A Wedding Is One (EXPLETIVE) Day...
Though, to be clear at the outset, it's a very important one. But one of the things we're really trying to avoid is focusing too much on the wedding -- and too little on what's going to follow the wedding. The wedding is one (expletive) day; the marriage is the rest of our lives (i.e., hopefully a whole lot of days).
... and What About the Marriage?!
In fact, if you think about it, it seems a little weird that people are always asking newly engaged couples, "Oh, when's the wedding?", "What are your wedding colors?", "Where is the wedding going to be?", etc., all of which reflect our focus on weddings. But the important thing is the MARRIAGE, right? Remember the equation: Lots of days > one day. Shouldn't we be asking instead, "When is the marriage?"
But (some) little girls dream not about being married, but about the perfect wedding. We have wedding photographers, wedding caterers, wedding photographers, wedding planners. And couples usually spend tens or hundreds of hours planning the wedding, thinking about the wedding, worrying about the wedding, etc. And they usually spend a LOT of money on the wedding.
Yet how much time and money do couples spend planning the marriage? A few hours of marriage counseling, if even that?
Save some of that money you would've spent on an expensive wedding for the marriage. Pay down some debt (money is consistently ranked as the number one thing couples argue about). Take a few great trips together, visit some friends who couldn't make it to the ceremony, or fill in the blank _________ with your own idea.
Or at least think about it, anyway.
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